Director: Ali Tabrici
Seaspiracy is a 2021 documentary film about the powerful impact of fishing on the environment. The film was directed by British director Ali Tabrici who also stars in the film.
The film explores environmental issues affecting the oceans, including plastic pollution, abandoned fishing nets and overfishing, and argues that commercial fishing is the main driver of marine ecosystem destruction. The film rejects the concept of sustainable fisheries and criticizes several marine conservation organizations, including the Earth Island Institute and its dolphin safe label, as well as the Marine Stewardship Council’s sustainable seafood certifications. He also criticizes various initiatives, such as those to reduce plastic in the oceans, pointing out that their effect is only to mask the strong impact of the fishing industry on marine ecosystems and corruption in the fishing industry. The film concludes by supporting the creation of marine protected areas, as well as the cessation of fish consumption.
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